Contact WCS Vegas
We welcome input from our West Coast Swing Dancers and our Website Visitors. Likewise, we have provided this easy-to-use form to allow you to contact WCS Vegas. If you like and appreciate our efforts to bring all West Coast Swing venues together in one place, please let us know what you think.
West Coast Swing is a partner dance with roots in the Lindy Hop, and for more information about West Coast Swing, see Wikipedia. Our dance community was and still is highly influenced by California’s dance community, where West Coast Swing is King. Our Privacy Policy can be located by clicking here.
Contact Form
You can Contact WCS Vegas with questions about West Coast Swing Dancing in Las Vegas.
General Questions
If you have a general question, you can use the form below. As all wise, we would love to hear from you and your comments, so be our guest and fill out the form below.
Join Monthly Newsletter
We have a monthly newsletter to inform our dancers about WCS places and activities. Just indicate your interest in receiving our newsletter in your submission, “West Coast Swing Vegas,” where we give you all the new places’ add events we found for that month.
Submissions To The Underground
To submit a location to the Underground Page, go to the Calendar Page, and under the “Submission Guidelines” Heading, you will find the “Guideline For Dance Underground Submission.”
Contact Us For Website Corrections
Please message us on the form below if you have a correction or suggestion, or find a website glitch. We strive to provide the most accurate and time-sensitive information on our Website. Our web team thanks you in advance for your help.