WCS Vegas Donations


WCS Vegas Donations

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WCS Vegas Donations

WCS Vegas Donations: We are bringing detailed information about West Coast Swing Venues in Las Vegas to provide a one-stop resource for our visitors and the local West Coast Swing Community. In this way, we hope to provide the best environment for all West Coast Swing dancers visiting and living in Las Vegas. If you want to help us, we accept donations below.

WCS Vegas Donations allow us to provide this website to keep our West Coast Swing Community informed.Thank You For Donating

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WCS Vegas Donations

Our website will allow everyone to share our love for West Coast Swing. However, our efforts take time and money, so we accept donations for our website, “West Coast Swing Vegas.” We provide this website FREE of charge to each WCS Dance Host at each location. This way, we can support as many places to dance as possible throughout the month. The key to keeping these locations from withering away is dancers’ participation. The key to that participation is passing along the knowledge of where and when these dance opportunities are available. That’s where we come in.

To maintain West Coast Swing Vegas's Website, We Take WCS Vegas Donations.Maintaining Our Website

If you want to help, we accept Donations to cover our ongoing efforts. If you wish to donate to our website or buy us a few cups of coffee, please use the form below to donate any amount you wish.

Thank You For Donating To WCSV

If you have a problem with the donation form below, please let us know by sending us a message from our Contact Form, and we will address the problem as soon as possible. Donations powered by Donerbox.

Popular Question and WCS Vegas Donations Form

What do you use the donation for?

We use the donations to pay for web hosting services and upkeep of the website.

Do I have to donate a set amount?

No, you may donate what ever amount you would like, just enter the amount in the “Custom Amount” field.

Do you have any other revenue stream?

No, we are only supported by donations.

How do you find these places to dance

We gather this information for the most part by dancer’s word of mouth, and our contact page.